In my earliest memory of a costume, I was probably around 7 or 8. My parents had only been in the country around 10 years, and dad was still working as a house painter. So my first costume was…a house painter. Easy enough, my dad is not a tall guy and by 8 I was already closing in on his height. I imagine I would have preferred to have been Gigantor or Kimba the White Lion or something like that, but even a crappy mask and a bit of fabric was beyond the reach of my fairly broke immigrant parents at the time. But one thing I loved: back then in the early 70’s you got lots of candy. Every house was giving it out. It was a good time to grow up by the 80’s, because by then it seemed like only one or two houses on a block were giving out treats.
By the time the folks had money, I was a teen and responsible for my own costumes. For a lot of my mid to late teens I worked up some half-assed outfits based on this or that D&D character, especially my first character, a ranger name Arcturus Grimm. I even remember running a couple of games on Halloweens, ones where we all made ourselves up like our characters. At around 17, my girlfriend at the time did herself up as her drow MU, with black skin and white hair and all. She was tall and thin with somewhat Mediterranean features , and it just looked great. After gaming a couple of hours, we all went to Westwood Village near UCLA to hang out and go to a screening of The Road Warrior. I ran into some girls from work ( a Walden Books in Santa Monica) at that theater, and they were blown away by my black-skinned, ivory-haired sweetie.
But by 18 I was no longer really interested in D&D dress-up. I had gone with friends to a convention dressed like the Clockwork Orange Droogies, and we were so popular there I liked to wear that outfit whenever I could. It always tripped people out (by the early 90’s droog costumes had been done to death). I went with some other friends in recent years, around 2002, to a Loscon in Los Angeles, and not only where three of us Droogs, but the girl with us got a red jump suit and worked it as the gang rape victim from the home invasion in Clockwork Orange (but in this incarnation she liked it). Clever idea, but it seemed to freak people out more than trip them out.
Back in my early 20’s I started working at a couple of Renaissance Faires during the year, and all that weekend dress-up kind of satisfied my desire to be in costume. For the longest time, a couple of decades in fact, I rarely went in costume to parties. When I did, it was usually as easy a costume to put together as possible. But in recent years I have gotten an interest in doing decent costumes, especially at Fools Guild parties. FG is an organization of Hollywood people, ex- Ren Faire folk, costumers, and general nutsos in Southern California. Every year they elect a King or Queen out of their ranks, and this regent organizes several parties a year for The Guild. My old friend and current player Terry is heavily involved in decorating these shindigs (I’m sure she is on the fast track for Queen status one year soon), usually held at rented venues in Glendale or Pasadena. As you can guess, there are some damn great costumes at these parties. Last year for Halloween I went to a FG party as a Satanic Bagpiper. Basically just my kilt with a black shirt, red tie, and red devil horns. Easy enough. And for their big April Fools party this year I did a pretty decent Hunter Thompson. At 6’2” and a bit under 300 lbs, I for sure don’t have Dr. Thompson’s body type, but people still knew who I was (although one drunk dude thought I was Jackie Gleason from some old go-go film from the 70’s called “Skidoo”).
For this weekend’s parties, I’m going as a Tap Out Ultimate Fighter (Tap Out boxing trunks and t-shirt, hand wraps and Everlast gloves, a black knit cap with a crucifix on it, fake arm tattoo sleeve, etc), and my date is going to be a ring card hoochie girl for me. As I already have some boxing gear and the Tap Out shirt, I really don’t need to buy anything, except maybe black grease to blacken an eye. Easy peasy.
I actually originally wanted to be Braveheart, but I could not find a wig that I was satisfied with. You see, this party is going to have a heroes and villains theme, and I thought I could be both. Am I Scottish hero William Wallace, or am I evil, sugar-tit loving alcoholic racist and sexist pig Mel Gibson dressed up like Braveheart? Great concept, but the damn wigs killed it. My date for Saturday is an actress who’s agent is throwing a client party at the Hard Rock in Hollywood Sunday night, so if I mind my P’s and Q’s maybe I’ll get to go to that to, and maybe bite the bullet and be Braveheart there if I feel like a different costume in order.
So, what you gonna be for Halloween, and if not you what are the kiddies going as this year? What are the hot costumes for adults and kiddies? Chilean Miners? California candidate Jerry Brown? Prez Obama? The blue dog people from Avatar?
My SWMBO & I are doing cat masks, tails, paws w/ claws, & sleepwear...
ReplyDeleteYes, we'll be the "Cats' Pajamas"!
The girl is going as what can best be described as "Slutty Hermione." I'm going as what I suppose would be "Sexually Active Within Expected Societal Norms Harry Potter."
ReplyDeleteMy 6-year-old daughter is going to be Astrid from "How To Train Your Dragon," so that rocks. She was rather upset she couldn't take her battle axe to school for the Halloween parade. My 3-year-old will be Belle from "Beauty and the Beast," although there is talk of her being Scary Belle ever since she got some purple vampire fangs.
ReplyDeleteI'm going as a milk man. Seriously...I'm supposed to look for some empty bottles to carry around.
ReplyDeleteGrendel: a bunch of girls at work just came in pajamas (no sexy stuff), that's it. So mixing it up like you guys is a step in the right direction from just jammies.
ReplyDeleteScott: Haha - I guess nobody wants to go as Hermione plus "only gets girls because he knows Harry Potter" Ron Weasly. I wish I could get a coffee colored date, and go as that book from Family Guy "Harry Potter and the Half Black Chick"
DunDad: Oh my god, the PCness of it all. I bet it just looked like a little plastic axe (unless it was a full on metal warblade).
JB: Have you ever read Reid Fleming, Worlds toughtest Milkman? That would be an awesome milkman to go as (and comic book fans of the late 80's would recognize it)
Sadly, none of my Halloween related activities this year called for a costume, being mostly gaming related (although I did sport a red velvet smoking jacket for my Creepy Crawl events).
ReplyDeleteIn prior years of costuming, the one that folks remember the most is the year I made tiny cardboard city scapes, complete with little cars and HO scale model railroad figures, and put 'em on a pair of old shoes. People would ask me what I was supposed to be, and I would reply "I'm HUGE!"
I've never been really able to top that one.
BigF: That is an awesome idea. I'd be afraid of tripping and killing myself though.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I had to be careful when I walked, although climbing stairs was easier than I expected. Thankfully, the party I wore them to was more of a sit around and hang out kind of party than a standing room only party.