I have never made much of a deal out of my own birthday. I for sure usually don’t skip work, and don’t talk it up there like a lot of people do (there are people here with balloons in their cubicle from 8 months ago). I don’t like parties in my honor, and I don’t like discussing my age (after I hit 40 I stopped telling people, at least at work, how old I am) even though most people who know my true age tell me I look at least 10 years younger than I am. Must be all that clean living *cough*.
As it just so happens, it’s a game night tonight, so for the second time in three years I’ll be spending my birthday night with the gaming group. Thank God most of them are drinkers. Anyway, I enjoy DM’ing on my birthday, and tonight I’m going to continue our occasional White Box old school dungeon delve. Some nice relaxing fun compared to the uphill struggle that is my AD&D campaign (a torture of my own design). I just gotta find a way over to Andy’s and home without risking a birthday DUI.
Anyway, I would like to divide this post into two parts, each where I ask your input/experience. OK, first one: have you ever run a game on your birthday, how was it, and did you eventually wish you had just had a traditional birthday party (y’know, a night at the Super 8 Motel with a couple of hookers, a pizza, and bottle of Gray Goose)? Have you ever DM’d or played on a birthday?
And secondly, have you ever made a “Bucket List” of things to do before you die? I haven’t. To travel the world? Outside of some visits to Scotland back in the day, I don’t leave America (although I often hear Amsterdam calling my name). If you gotta pee in the street and poop in a hole in the ground, I don’t go. Date a supermodel? I think that boat passed me by. Get rich? Man, I’m tryin’. But anyway, below are some of my favorite Bucket List items from Adam Carolla’s new book In “50 years We’ll All be Chicks.” I relate very much to the pop culture nature of some of these, and I choose these things to do before I die. Do you have any?
*Disclocate my shoulder to get out of a straight jacket.
*Pull a fake mustache off someone and shout “Ah Hah!”
*Shout “Release the hounds!”
*Stop a crime by throwing something. A guy steals a purse and starts running. I throw a can of corn football style and knock him out.
*Catch a punch and twist the guys hand until he drops to his knees
*Get shot and blow it off “I ain’t got time to bleed”
*Put my hand over the mouth of a beautiful woman to stop her from screaming and alerting the bad guys.
*Punch out my undercover partner who is about to say something he shouldn’t and blow our cover.
*Get kicked out of a casino for winning.
*Have a cape removed on stage.
*Be killed by the person I told to kill me if I start turning into a zombie.
*Dry-shave with a machete
*Drive my car off a pier onto a garbage scow.
*Box a kangaroo
*Fight somebody on top of a moving train
*Pop the locks on an attaché case full of money and slide it across the table.
*Silently communicate/point to my watch underwater.
*Fend off a Kodiak bear with a torch.
*Track somebody. I get off my horse, squat, then do that thing where I pick up a clump of dirt and let it sift through my fingers.