Monday, June 20, 2011

This is Ghostly Aging

OK, the commercial is about how scary the King Kong ride is, but it is indeed the best depiction of what ghostly aging looks like. You're very young thief character goes from having his life in front of him to being ready for the old adventurer's home (hell) in seconds flat.

Players are more afraid of losing levels from undead, but you gotta admit that in it's own way, ghostly aging takes away a lot of your life. Almost all of it in this poor kid's case.


  1. That is freaking rad. My players get visibly (and physically) nervous when strange undead are around. They are new to D&D and had one run-in with Wights that scares the crap out of them.

  2. So is the baldness something you have to roll a save against? :P

  3. Alexey: It just peeves me that elves get off the hook on the aging stuff (including Haste spell effect and such). I don't use ghost aging much because it seems to be mostly and anti-human thing. Of course, I could just house rule it...
    2EDM: balding, 'roids, limp dingus, i'd probably put all of those wonderful things that come with age to the saving throw test!
