Sunday, February 9, 2025

Isle of Dread - gotta do the Giant Crab

 After around 10 games in the city and around 3 on the boat ride, the party is on the Isle of Dread. 

The first time I used the module as is was when I was a teen. A long time ago. Since then about 120 years of character continuity has gone by, and things change. Not the island, really. I have had adventures there several times over the years. Maybe a couple or three with expeditions to the plateau. 

But the villages have had some changes. For a couple of decades in game time there was the Pagos Trading Company that had a trading post on the beach near Tanaroa and the great wall. It was mostly run by characters over a couple of campaigns long ago. But it went out of business eventually. But the trading post remains, run and pretty much owned now by old Pagos employee Trader Tim. Tim has lived there for over 20 years, and is a friend to the tribes. He helps with trade negotiations and even keeps the tiki bar going. He can even provide fairly comfy accommodations in some huts on site. There is even a hot tub!

But the big fun of last night's session was emulating one of my favorite scenes from the old Mysterious Island movie I have loved since childhood.

I think the last time I did the Isle, it was giant crabs but the size of Shetland ponies. But I wanted to do this big one. It was chasing some village girls when the party came across them. 

I gave it 18 AC and 60 hit points. The characters are 4th level now, and they hit it hard with magic and stuff. The AC helped keep it around awhile, but web and damage spells made fairly short work of it. But the characters had fun with it. We ended the session with a hot tub party, and the grateful native girls showing up with a nice big pot of crab bisk!

The fun on the Isle has only just begun.



  1. Last time I did Isle of Dread I plopped White Plume Mountain in the middle of it (so recovering the weapons was why our Sinbad-esque hero and her crew were visiting the island). My first thought on reading your title was “of course there’s a giant crab, it’s right in the middle of WPM… wait…”

  2. I was thinking of putting the spaceship from barrier peaks up on the plateau. I’ve already had the characters get some rumors about a ship that came down from the sky and landed in the mountains.

  3. Just now discovering this blog. Are you running B/X in pure form or another system? What's your VTT environment, Roll20?

  4. I was pretty much a lifelong first edition guy, but around Covid I started running games on roll 20 and adapted to fifth edition and still use it.

  5. after a lifetime of first edition, I started adapting to fifth edition about five years ago. if you look back at some of my posts around the time of Covid, I had moved to a new town and had trouble finding anybody who would play first edition.And now I run it on roll 20 amongst some other things.
